sitemap: path:sitemap.xml # URL ## If your site is put in a subdirectory, set url as '' and root as '/child/' url: root:/ permalink::year/:month/:day/:title.html permalink_defaults:
# Writing File name of new posts default_layout:post titlecase:false# Transform title into titlecase external_link:true# Open external links in new tab filename_case:0 render_drafts:false post_asset_folder:false relative_link:false future:true highlight: enable:true line_number:true auto_detect:false tab_replace:
# Category & Tag default_category:uncategorized category_map: tag_map:
# Date / Time format ## Hexo uses Moment.js to parse and display date ## You can customize the date format as defined in ## date_format:YYYY-MM-DD time_format:HH:mm:ss
# Pagination ## Set per_page to 0 to disable pagination per_page:10 pagination_dir:page